Course Notes

Semester 1

Description File Size File Name
Java Syntax: An overview of variables, primitive data types, and the kinds of mathematical operators that are present in Java. 193KB csaNotes01JavaSyntax.pdf
Conditionals and Looping: We explore the decision-making capabilities of Java with if statements. Also, we examine iteration and looping with the while and for constructs. 289KB csaNotes02Conditionals.pdf
Strings: Creating and manipulating text data. 164KB csaNotes03Strings.pdf
Methods, Arguments, and Parameters: Structuring your programs for code reuse. 148KB csaNotes04Methods.pdf
The Math Class: Providing common mathematical functions. 134KB csaNotes05MathClass.pdf
Arrays: A collection of data for simple access. 237KB csaNotes06Arrays.pdf
Object Oriented Programming: Creating classes with state and behavior. 290KB csaNotes07ObjectOriented.pdf
Object References: Aliasing and its associated effects. 151KB csaNotes08ObjectReferences.pdf
Arrays of Objects: Using the array data structure with objects. 180KB csaNotes09ObjectArrays.pdf
Parameters of Different Types: Using primitive, object, and array parameters. 174KB csaNotes10Parameters.pdf
ArrayLists: A flexible data structure for use with objects. 177KB csaNotes11ArrayLists.pdf

Semester 2

Description File Size File Name
Wrapper Classes: Using primitive types with an ArrayList. 146KB csaNotes12WrapperClasses.pdf
Removing Items from an ArrayList: Looping through an ArrayList and removing multiple items. 172KB csaNotes13ArrayListRemoval.pdf
Searching Algorithms: Locating an element from within a data structure. 208KB csaNotes16Searching.pdf
Sorting Algorithms: Rearranging data into a particular order. 236KB csaNotes17Sorting.pdf

Additional Material

Description File Size File Name
Inheritance: Providing a unique form of code-sharing. 189KB csaNotes14Inheritance.pdf
Polymorphism: Allowing methods and objects to take on different forms. 170KB csaNotes15Polymorphism.pdf
Recursion: A programming technique in which a method calls itself. 360KB csaNotes18Recursion.pdf