Create Task 4: Written Responses

AP Digital Portfolio: Submit your video assignment to this grading platform.

Comprehensive Guide

Description File Size File Name
Create Task Comprehensive Guide 369KB createTaskComprehensiveGuide.pdf

Task Outline

Write the Written Responses for your Software Application

Written Response Prompts

2a. Provide a written response about your video which does the following:

2b. Describe the incremental and iterative development process of your program, focusing on two distinct points in that process.

2c. Capture and paste a program code segment that implements an algorithm(marked with an oval in section 3), that is fundamental for your program to achieve its intended purpose.

2d. Capture and paste a program code segment that contains an abstraction that you developed individually on your own(marked with a rectangle in section 3). This abstraction must implement mathematical and logical concepts.


Written Responses